"The American Policy Toward Security Threats in the Red Sea Region: The Prosperity Guardian Alliance as a Model"





US policy, maritime security, Red Sea, Houthi Ansar Allah group, Prosperity Guardian Alliance


Defining US policy towards challenges and threats in the Middle East relies on fundamental shifts, starting from the post-Soviet era to the transformations following the "Arab Spring" uprisings. This underscores the region's significance for global security and stability. Moreover, being one of the world's key maritime trade routes, the Red Sea has emerged as a crucial sea passage. The countries bordering the Red Sea serve as energy sources, with the strategic US outlook prioritizing Israel's security.

Recent events, notably post-Operation Jerusalem Tempest on October 7, 2023, including Houthi attacks on ships destined for Israel and Iranian intervention supporting allied factions, necessitate a firm policy response. This includes economic sanctions against Houthi groups and any threats to US spheres of influence, as well as the establishment of regional and international alliances to counter threats and maintain global economic stability. The "Prosperity Guardian Alliance" initiative, launched by the United States with over 20 participating countries, aims to repel Houthi attacks, curb Iranian influence, and stabilize the region amidst ongoing events.


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How to Cite

"The American Policy Toward Security Threats in the Red Sea Region: The Prosperity Guardian Alliance as a Model". (2024). قضايا سياسية, 76, 39-71. https://doi.org/10.58298/762024534

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