أمن الطاقة بين الطموحات والتحديات


  • Zainab Abdula Minkash كلية العلوم السياسية / جامعة النهرين / بغداد / العراق




The writer goes in his article (Energy security between ambitions and challenges) that the lives of peoples depend on energy, water and food, and between energy producers and consumers peoples are exposed to opportunities and challenges, and energy plays a vital role in economic and social life and a measure and indicator of the growth of countries, and energy consumption increases with the development of countries, and the availability and diversification of energy sources is an important and necessary condition for sustainable growth, and everyone must face the challenges in the field of energy and not only work to develop its various sources, but And diversify its sources between renewable and non-renewable energy, preserve its capabilities and natural and environmental wealth, and work to reduce total dependence on imports, create new sources of energy, improve the efficiency of their use, and work to pump new investments in order to make huge booms in the field of energy in general, and energy resources are one of the most important main reasons that have contributed to the development of economic, technological, social and political life of countries since their discovery to this day, and energy resources are the basis for the advancement of the economy of developed countries

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How to Cite

أمن الطاقة بين الطموحات والتحديات. (2024). قضايا سياسية, 79, ح - ز. https://doi.org/10.58298/792024699