Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief |
Emad S. Abdulrazzaq, Ph.D.
Department of Political Systems and Public Policies, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Managing Editor |
Mohammed Muhi Al-Janabi, PhD
Department of Political Systems and Public Policy, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Editorial Board Members |
Riadh A. Hadi, Ph.D.
Assistant (former) to the presidency of the University of Baghdad for Scientific Affairs, Baghdad, Iraq
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Abdul Samad S. Abdulla,
PhD, Experienced Professor
Department of International Economic Relations, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Kazem Ali Mahdi, PhD
Department of Political Systems and Public Policy, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
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Yassin Saad Mohamed, PhD
Department of Political Systems and Public Policy, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Mohammed Karim Kazim, PhD
Department of International Politics, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
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Lubna K. Mahdi, Ph.D.
Department of Strategy, College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
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Waleed Salem Mohammed, Ph.D.
College of Political Science, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq.
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Iyad Abdul Karim Zangana Ph.D.
Faculty of Political Science, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq .
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Yasser Abdulzahra Othman, PhD
College of Law, University of Basra, Basra, Iraq .
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Murtaza Sahi Shanshul PhD
Faculty of Political Science, Maysan University, Maysan, Iraq .
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Ahmed Abdel Salam Walid, PhD,
Alexandria University, Egypt .
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Abdul-Hussein Shaaban, Ph.D.
University College of Non-Violence and Human Rights, Lebanon .
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