International Law and Water Security Domino Middle East: Arabs and Water Wars
القانون الدولي, الامن المائي, الشرق الاوسط, حروب المياهAbstract
This research concludes that water, due to its scarcity and the impossibility of living without it has become a source of conflict and wars. It has been used as a tool of influence and dictation of will, that has evolved with the development of science and technology, and the growing need to use water . It has become a focus of social and political conflict on a global scale and in the region, especially due to pollution, salinity, water deficit , population growth, scarcity of resources, and increased use.
In conclusion, external challenges are not the only reason for the exacerbation of the water problem in the Arab world, but there are internal challenges related to: policies, trends, procedures, economic, social, legal, measures related to the lack of rational use of water, and the lack of purification of modern irrigation projects, such as reservoirs and dams. Moreover, not to mention the steady increase in the human population as well as the increase in the percentage desertification, drought, climate change, etc.
Water battles will inevitably wage if the situation continues as it is. There are already ongoing battles which are silent without military communications, but voices will arise and their preparations will be declared by wars; by military, or non-military; by violence or non-violence (rough or soft). Their battles will be complex in nature. Just like the historic oil wars, water wars will tighten the screws on the Arab world, increasing the difficulty of life, the distress of life, and the existential challenge.
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