العلاقات الروسية - اليابانية من عام 2000- 2020
In our research tagged (Russian-Japanese relations from 2000-2020), we touched on the factors and variables influencing the Russian-Japanese relations, the most prominent of which are the internal factors and variables, including the geographical and historical factor and the economic variable, and with regard to external variables, we dealt with the variable of the United States of America and China, and areas of cooperation were addressed. In the Russian-Japanese relations with regard to the political field, which witnessed a tangible improvement During the era of the Russian (Vladimir Putin) and the Japanese (Shinzo Abe), and the economic one that clearly developed between the two countries, and a future aspect of the relations between the two countries was presented in light of some thorny circumstances, such as the development of Russian relations with China, the historical enemy of Japan and the Ukrainian crisis

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