Turkish foreign policy towards Tunisia, Egypt and Syria after the Arab Spring since (2011_2021)


  • Heba Hamid Shamkhi College of Political Science / Al-Nahrain University / Baghdad/ Iraq




foreign policy, Turkey, making changes, Arab Countries


Turkey adopted a new approach after the Justice Party took power in 2002, its goal is external rapprochement and the restoration of political, economic, regulatory and security relations with member states and cooperation with them.

Turkey adopted rapprochement with Arab countries to solve problems with neighboring countries, by exerting “talent zeroing” and adopting harmonious diplomacy. Turkey took advantage of its membership in international organizations and employed its soft competence in strengthening economic relations, and cooperated with countries to achieve its political goals.

However, after 2011, as a result of the change events that swept the Arab world, the features of its foreign policies changed, adopting new directions that were completely different from their directions before 2011 due to the impact of the change on the Turkish maker’s perceptions of the nature of change, as well as the positions and presence required to achieve the Turkish efforts in these events, as Turkey differed in its positions towards each of the countries of the Arab future, according to its nature, goals, and relations with those countries.


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How to Cite

Turkish foreign policy towards Tunisia, Egypt and Syria after the Arab Spring since (2011_2021). (2024). قضايا سياسية, 77, 423-438. https://doi.org/10.58298/772024521

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