American Think-Tanks and their Role in Foreign Political Decision-Making: Brookings and Carnegie as an example
Centers, Research, Think, Decision making, Foreign policy, Brookings, CarnegieAbstract
Research &think tanks were, and still are, essential contributors of the United States' foreign policy-making process for more than a century. It played an important role in many issues and crises that constituted major turning points in the foreign policy paths of the United States of America. The number of research institutions in the United States of America is estimated nearly two thousand. These institutions generate new ideas for policymaking, assess existing policies, anticipating the future, draw attention to neglected problems, convene experts for discussion, and engage with the media. These research centers also actively participate in supporting decision-makers and public education about their policies. In addition, research & think tanks play the role of mediators in crises and disputes. Much policy outreach by think tanks is done behind the scenes in private, off-the-record briefings that are not touted publicly. Specialists note that policymakers are always looking for the opinions of think tanks that prove the validity of paths that have been previously determined or that have already been taken, rather than questioning them, and they consider this a dangerous turning point that should be taken into account in any discussion regarding the role of research and thinking centers in foreign policy decision-making. There is also the issue of financial support and funding that research and thinking centers receive from various official bodies, raises widespread controversy among researchers and specialists, and reflects different points of view about the accuracy of the consultations and recommendations that these centers provide to decision makers. In this research, we will attempt to study and analyze the emergence and development of U.S. research and think tanks, and their role in American foreign political decision-making, especially Brookings & Carnegie.
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