The policy of the united states of America towards the Russian-Ukrainan War


  • Haitham Akeel Mahmood College of Political Science / Al-Nahrain University / Baghdad / Iraq



Ukrainian war, American policy, Russian war, Russian-American conflict


The U.S. policy toward the Russian-Ukrainian war is characterized by a strong commitment to supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. Since the beginning of the conflict, the United States has provided significant military aid, including advanced weapons and air defense systems, as well as financial support to help the Ukrainian government maintain its economic stability. Washington has imposed strict economic sanctions on Russia, targeting vital sectors such as energy and finance, aimed at reducing Moscow's ability to fund the war.

Additionally, the United States has strengthened its alliances with European countries and NATO to coordinate joint efforts in supporting Ukraine. Diplomatically, the U.S. has repeatedly emphasized the importance of maintaining Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, rejecting any attempts by Russia to undermine this sovereignty. Despite rising tensions, the U.S. has continued some forms of communication with Russia, focusing on achieving a balance between deterrence and diplomacy. This policy aims to bolster Ukraine's position and create conditions for stability in the region.


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How to Cite

The policy of the united states of America towards the Russian-Ukrainan War. (2024). قضايا سياسية, 79, 511-526.

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