The Transformations of the international system in light of Russian- Ukrainian war in 2022.. Afuture study


  • فنر عماد عراقي



The international system, the Russian-Ukrainian war, NATO, future scenes


Despite the multiplicity of wars that the world witnessed after the Cold War phase, the Russian-Ukrainian war posed a serious challenge to the stability of the international system led by the United States of America and gave indications of the beginning of its transformations. Perhaps this is due to the location of Ukraine, which represents the intersection of the geopolitical calculations of both the United States of America and the Russian Federation, as Russia sees in Ukraine a political symbolism as it is located in its close neighborhood, which must be contained if it wants to regain its position as a global power.The use of Russian military force against Ukraine was not based on declared options, as much as it is increasing pressure on the international system and demonstrating the state of failure that surrounds it, in addition to sending clear messages towards the United States of America and the Western system in order to review the current international system through positive cooperation, or to undermine it. Through the military threat, and therefore the possibility of changing the international system remains on what Russia will offer to strengthen its position rejecting American hegemony and the western expansion of NATO, as the war did not create a single possibility for the future of the international system, but rather created many possible images.


Despite the multiplicity of wars that the world witnessed after the Cold War phase, the Russian-Ukrainian war posed a serious challenge to the stability of the international system led by the United States of America and gave indications of the beginning of its transformations. Perhaps this is due to the location of Ukraine, which represents the intersection of the geopolitical calculations of both the United States of America and the Russian Federation, as Russia sees in Ukraine a political symbolism as it is located in its close neighborhood, which must be contained if it wants to regain its position as a global power.The use of Russian military force against Ukraine was not based on declared options, as much as it is increasing pressure on the international system and demonstrating the state of failure that surrounds it, in addition to sending clear messages towards the United States of America and the Western system in order to review the current international system through positive cooperation, or to undermine it. Through the military threat, and therefore the possibility of changing the international system remains on what Russia will offer to strengthen its position rejecting American hegemony and the western expansion of NATO, as the war did not create a single possibility for the future of the international system, but rather created many possible images.

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How to Cite

The Transformations of the international system in light of Russian- Ukrainian war in 2022.. Afuture study. (2023). قضايا سياسية, 75, 189-220.

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