Economic Diplomacy in US Foreign Policy in the Middle East


  • Shaza Reda Abdul Majeed College of Political Science / Al-Nahrain University / Baghdad / Iraq



Middle East, Economic Diplomacy, United States of America, Foreign Policy


Controlling the Middle East and gaining the support of the region's rulers and peoples are among the priorities of American foreign policy. Since diplomacy is considered the most important tool for implementing foreign policy, it is worth paying attention to studying American diplomacy and its activity in this region, and the ways in which the United States employs diplomacy in order to preserve its interests and increase its influence in the region. American foreign policy makers also attach great importance to the economic factor when developing and implementing that policy in light of the integration between the political and economic fields and the difficulty of separating them, as the economy emerges as a means of diplomacy to enhance cooperation between countries, and at other times as a means of pressure on many countries of the world, especially the Middle Eastern countries, to manage political relations between the two parties.


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The terms of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement include China's desire to develop its economic relations with Iraq based on the framework of its global program called the Belt and Road Initiative, inspired by the idea of the ancient Silk Road that paves the way for enhancing communication, investment, trade and the flow of capital between China, Asia, Africa and Europe. The (Belt) consists of projects linking China to Europe via Asia and the Middle East by land, while the (Road) refers to projects linked to sea routes linking China to Africa and the Middle East via Southeast Asia and South Asia and all the countries that signed the initiative with Beijing. Noting in this regard that the international group associated with the Belt and Road Initiative today constitutes about 66% of the world’s population and nearly a third of the global GDP Framework Cooperation Sinecure between Iraq and the Chinese State Export Credit and Export Guarantee Corporation, for more see Mazhar Muhammad Salih, the full terms of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement, published report, Buratha News Agency, 1/14/2020, Cui Wei, Chinese Ambassador Writes to Al Bayan The Belt and Road Initiative and Sino-Iraqi Relations Al Bayan Center for Studies and Planning, Baghdad, 2023, p. 10

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Economic Diplomacy in US Foreign Policy in the Middle East. (2024). قضايا سياسية, 79, 259-295.

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