إدارة التوقع والإستشراف في الدراسات الإستراتيجية (مقارنة وقياس الفرضيات في تطبيقات معاصرة)
The study of anticipation management and foresight in strategic studies is related to the levels that can secure the ability to prefer options and adopt practical paths capable of achieving the intended goals, as the link with techniques for studying the future works to understand the movement of variables and track the paths of development in them and try to anticipate the possibilities that may conflict with the strategy while carrying it out. Forecasting according to methodologies and logical calculations in the process of developing the strategy needs realistic equations aimed at linking them with the movement of variables and the limits of interests.
- 2022-06-30 (3)
- 2022-06-30 (1)
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