مؤسسات حماية حقوق الانسان في الدول الفدرالية – العراق انموذجا
human rights institutions, federal statesAbstract
After the widespread of human rights protection institutions all over the countries of the world, it is natural for federal countries or union systems to establish institutions for the protection of human rights in both fields’ federal and local or regional levels. Human rights protection institutions differ from a country to another according to the legal and constitutional data and the political systems that perform in the country. The institution that protects human rights in federal countries are generally divided into two types: national institutions for the protection of human rights and sub-national institutions for the protection of human rights. There is a wide difference between the countries in terms of adopting one type of these two types of institutions or both of them together. It seems that the federal states - including Iraq - do not follow the same direction for protecting human rights, there is a fundamental difference between those countries about the mechanisms for protecting human rights, how to distribute the specialization between those institutions and we discuss them in detail in this research.

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