Concentrating the Spheres of Containment and Prevention in National Security Strategy ) Utilizing Tenors and Model-Buliding in Iraq)
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Strategy، defense، development، securityالملخص
Thinking about strategic defense fields has become of an important value in contemporary strategic writings due to considerations related to the preoccupation with them by experts and strategic planners. Further, the importance of thinking about strategic defence has increased because states need these strategies as they multiply states’ ability to interact and survive. The areas related to the strategies aim to change the status quo, and therefore the logical calculations that are interconnected with the state and its survival make it risk attaching its survival to the ability of the offensive force to achieve the goals (··(. Accordingly, the doubling of power and the state’s preservation of its prestige in the international system makes it obliged to search for areas of strategic defense that can secure the scope of its action according to a security methodology that is commensurate with the movement of changes and changing priorities of interests.
الملفات الإضافية
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2023 أ.م.د.علي فارس حميد
هذا العمل مرخص بموجب Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
هذه هي مقالـــــة منشـــــــــورة بنمط الوصـــــول الحـــــــر ومـــــــوزعة تحــــــت شــــــروط ترخيص المشاع الابداعي نسب المصنف (CC BY) 4.0 دولي التي تسمح بالاستخدام غير المقيد، التوزيع، واعادة الانتاج في أي وسيط أو صيغة، والتحوير أو البناء على المادة، بما في ذلك للأغراض التجارية، شريطة أن يتم نسب العمل للمؤلف الأصلي.