اللامركزية السياسية والادارية في ضوء عمل الحكومات المحلية في العراق


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الكلمات المفتاحية:

اللامركزية السياسية والادارية، اللامركزية المرفقية ، صور للامركزية السياسية، مجالس المحافظات


ان دراسة دور اللامركزية السياسية والإدارية في عمل الحكومات المحلية في العراق بعد العام 2005 ذات اهمية في تعزيز التحول نحو نظام سياسي وإداري فعال يعزز الديمقراطية ويحقق تطلعات المواطنين على المستوى المحلي. من خلال فهم كيفية تطبيق مفاهيم اللامركزية، وإذ يمكن للحكومات المحلية تحقيق الشمولية في تقديم الخدمات الأساسية وتعزيز المشاركة المجتمعية بشكل فعال. بشكل يظهر فيها أداء الحكومات المحلية دوراً حيوياً في تعزيز اللامركزية وضمان تطبيقها على الأرض، مما يساهم في تعزيز الاستقرار وتحقيق التنمية المستدامة على المستوى المحلي. وان تحديد التحديات والفرص التي يواجهها العراق في هذا السياق يمكن أن تساهم في تعزيز دور الحكومات المحلية في التحول نحو نظام إداري أكثر فعالية وشمولية.


The Constitution of Iraq for the year 2005 AD.

. Law of Unorganized Governorate Councils in a Region No. 21 of 2008 AD.

.Second: Arabic Books:

. Sami Hassan Najm Al-Hamdani, Local Administration, Its Applications and Oversight, National Center for Legal Publications, Cairo, 2014 AD.

.Safwan Al-Mubaideen, Hussein Tarawneh, and others, Centralization and Decentralization in the Organization of Local Administration, Dar Al-Yazouri for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, Jordan, 2011 AD.

.Amer Al-Kubaisi, Public Administration between Theory and Practice, Part 2, Edition 5, National Library, Baghdad, 1983 AD.

.Habib Al-Harmadhi, Supervision of Public Institutions in Iraqi Legislation, Endowments Press, Baghdad, 1977 AD.

.Ali Abdul Razzaq Al-Khafaji, Local Governments and Public Policy Making in Iraq, 1st edition, Al-Sanhouri Library, Al-Mutanabbi Street, Baghdad, 2014 AD.

.Nabil Abdul Rahman Hayawi, Decentralization and Federalism, 3rd edition, Legal Library, Baghdad, 2007 AD

.Suleiman Muhammad Al-Tamawi, Al-Wajeez fi Administrative Law, A Comparative Study, 1973 AD.

- Mohsen Khalil, Principles of Administrative Law, Kurdiya Office Brothers, lectures for second year students, University of Beirut, 1966 AD.

.Idris Hassan Muhammad, Oversight of the Administrative Bodies of Regional Decentralization in Iraq, An Analytical Study in Light of the Amended 2005 Constitution of the Republic of Iraq, Tikrit University Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, Volume 4, Year 4, Issue 14.

.Ta’imah Al-Jarf, Law Al-Adari, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1978 AD.

.Suleiman Muhammad Al-Tamawi, Al-Wajeez fi Administrative Law, Ain Al-Shams Press, Cairo, 1984 AD, p. 70.

, .Salim Alaa Al-Amiri, Local Administration - Its Concept - Its Objectives - Its Pillars, research published in the Journal of Comparative Law issued by the Iraqi Comparative Law Society, Baghdad, No. 76, year 2007

.Georges Fodel - Pierre Delfulfier, Administrative Law, Part 2 Translated by Mansour Al-Qadi, University Foundation for Studies and Publishing, Beirut, 2008.

.Khaled Khalil Taher, Administrative Law, A Comparative Study, 1st edition, Al Masirah Press for Publishing, Distribution and Printing, Amman, 1988 AD.

.Imad Al-Janabi - Mohsen Jabr Al-Bahadli, An Analytical Study of the Law of Unorganized Governorates in a Region No. 21 of 2008 AD, Amended, 1st edition, USAID, Local Government Support and Attribution Project, 2008 AD.

.Hanan Muhammad Al-Qaisi, Al-Wajeez Explanation of the Law of Governorates Not Organized in a Region No. 21 of 2008 AD, amended, out of print, publishing house. Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, 2011 AD. See Article (2) and Article (24) of the Law on Governorates Not Organized in a Region No. 21 of 2008 AD

. Saleh Fouad - Principles of Algerian Administrative Law - 1st edition, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Lubani - Beirut - Lebanon 1983.

Third: Arab Journals:

.Samah Al-Sayyid Abdel-Ati, The Administrative Decentralization System in Local Administration, research published in the Journal of Financial and Commercial Research, Port Said University. , Volume 22, Issue 3, July 2021 AD.

. Samir Abdel Wahab, The Egyptian Local System between Centralization and Decentralization, A Comparative Study of Local Administration Laws from 1960 to 1988 AD, Research Series, Center for Research and Political Studies at Cairo University, 1991 AD.

.See the Iraqi Gazette, issue (4016) dated 2/2/2006 AD. To view the legal text, see the Iraqi legislation and regulations database on the website:


.Fourth: Periodicals:

.Opinion of the Federal Supreme Court, Issue No. 16, Federal, 2008 AD, dated 4/21/2008

. Alaa Abdel Hassan Karim Al-Anzi&Amer Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Shammari, The Effects of Administrative and Regional Decentralization in Promoting Democracy and Protecting Human Rights, Journal of the Babylon Center for Humanitarian Studies, University of Babylon, p. 8.

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المقالات البحثية الاصيلة

كيفية الاقتباس

اللامركزية السياسية والادارية في ضوء عمل الحكومات المحلية في العراق . (2024). قضايا سياسية, 78, 235-254. https://doi.org/10.58298/782024520

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