The reality of the participation of faculty members in the decision-making process at the colleges of Education, Basic Education, and Languages and Human Sciences of the University of Garmian
University of Garmian, Faculty Members, Decision-Making Process, Scientific ProductivityAbstract
This study seeks to examine the participation of faculty members in the decision-making process at the colleges of Education, Basic Education, and Languages and Human Sciences of the University of Garmian. The study aims to identify the most important objective and subjective barriers that prevent their participation in the process. In order to achieve the study objectives, descriptive (survey) approach has been utilized. Accordingly, a survey questionnaire comprising 56 sections divided into 12 themes has been developed. The validity and reliability of the data have been verified. The questionnaire was handed out to 116 members of the teaching staff at the colleges of Education, Basic Education, and Languages and Human Sciences of the University of Garmian, accounting for 43.1% of the whole research community and faculty staff of the University, which stands at 269 members in total. The faculty members were selected by the stratified random sampling method. The results of the study show that the level of participation of faculty members is low and that there are many objective and subjective barriers facing them and hindering their participation in the decision-making process.

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