New Methods of Conflicts Resolution: Incentives and Disincentives for managing Conflict
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Conflicts Resolution، human، Russiaالملخص
Conflict is an inherent part of human interactions and can arise in various settings, such as personal relationships, workplaces, and international affairs. Although of conflict is an inevitable part of human interactions, but new approaches to conflict resolution offer a more constructive and collaborative way of resolving conflicts. We therefore can refer to approaches, methods, or techniques that figured out as tools to settle the differences in the context of conflicts. Some of these that tools well known such as negotiation or bargaining, and third — party or mediation, adjudication and economic incentives and disincentives for managing conflict. Some of methods or techniques are relatively new to the peacekeeping community, such as problem solving workshops, conflict resolution education in the field, and training in conflict management techniques.
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هذه هي مقالـــــة منشـــــــــورة بنمط الوصـــــول الحـــــــر ومـــــــوزعة تحــــــت شــــــروط ترخيص المشاع الابداعي نسب المصنف (CC BY) 4.0 دولي التي تسمح بالاستخدام غير المقيد، التوزيع، واعادة الانتاج في أي وسيط أو صيغة، والتحوير أو البناء على المادة، بما في ذلك للأغراض التجارية، شريطة أن يتم نسب العمل للمؤلف الأصلي.